Thursday, July 23, 2009

Germans and Fitness.

Hello All,

You know, before I came here, I only saw Germans in films and maybe on TV. I always picture fat, sausage eating folks who drink a lot of beer. The sausage and beer part is true but Germans are very health conscious.

In fact, the national obesity rate in German is 14% according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Overall rate in US is 34%.

Would you believe that no state in the US has a rate this low as Germany. I was floored. Colorado checkes in at 19% and every other state is 20% or above. UK is 24%, France is 11%, Italy is 10%, and Japan checks in at 4% (but rising).

If you live in Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Oklahoma, your states obesity rate (sorry) is over 30%.

This is an alarming trend in developed societies. I suspect that, based on established guidelines, I am close to being obese.

But, in Germany, a lot of people walk, jog, run, cycle. It is not uncommon to see older folks/couples taking an walk in the evening or on a weekend morning. Many take bike to run errands around town. Lots of people take the train/walk to work or bike. It is not uncommon for people riding bikes to get to destinations before someone driving....traffic is that bad in the cities.

Don't have any answers. Eat more veggies and take a walk, I guess.


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