Sunday, October 7, 2012

Out of the woods...sort of

Hello All,

It has been a hectic couple of weeks and I am back in Bahrain.

Even though my emergency leave was not approved, I paid for my own ticket to fly half way around the world to be with my wife during a very difficult time.

Jodi had her surgery on Tues, 25 Sept.  Out of all the things that could have went wrong, none of them did.  I was home for the week until last Sat, when her sister-in-law, Sarah, took over as household assistant.

We were happy to hear that the lab results of the tumor were benign.  Another blessing.

However, there were a couple of disappointments.  The radiologist reading the CAT scan missed a couple of tumors and the surgeon said that some of the cells from the tumor spilled onto the healthy surrounding tissue.

What this all means is that Jodi is not out of the woods yet.  It is probable that she will need to have this procedure done again.

We have both learned a lot over the last few months, most of all to cherish life and each other.

Thanks Sarah for coming down and thanks to her husband who rearranged his work schedule (a few times) to make it happen.

Yesterday is gone, let it go.  Plan for tomorrow but there are no guarantees.  You have today...don't waste it.

Kids, thank your parents for the sacrifices they made and tell them you love them.  Parents, tell your kids you are proud of them and tell them you love them.  Husbands/Wives, tell you partner you love them and mean it from the bottom of your heart.  If someone you love has been called home, tell them too...they can still hear you.

See you next week (I hope!)

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